Sunday, June 27, 2010

Let me tell you why you’re an idiot.

You feel like your doing something important? Like you’re fighting for a cause? Do you think that donning a black mask and carrying a 2x4 will make your voice be heard any louder?

Then you’re an idiot.

This year’s G20 summit in Toronto wasn’t something I was paying too much attention to, since it really didn’t effect me, and Toronto was going to be crowded, and I didn’t want to be trapped in thousands of protestors trying to get somewhere.

And then I hear about vandalism, violence, and property damage erupting in the downtown core. Places where I’ve walked down, like Yonge Street, where shoppers go to enjoy themselves and I can find pretty much anything to walk into and browse. Now it’s locked down with police brigades in riot gear and pseudo-wannabe anarchists trying to stick it the ‘man’ by breaking shit.

Tell me why you’re not an idiot if you do that.

Seriously, what the fuck are you fighting for? Most of you are early adults, either in college/university or just out of it. Does all the budget talk effect you? Are you part of a labour union? Has one of these G20 countries changed the way you live your life?

You live in Canada, you fucking dolt. Why don’t you uphold its image?

Or are you too obsessed with the opportunity to be like Che Guevara and lead a ‘revolution’ against 20 of the biggest, most industrialized and advanced nations in the world? You screaming ‘We want change!’ is like a distant call to their ears.

They have better things to worry about than you.

So the next time you try to violently represent your ‘cause’, think again. There is no other way you will be heard, and breaking windows of shops that I want to visit next weekend doesn’t help anybody in any way whatsoever.

What worries me is exactly the fact that most of you black bloc protesters are young adults. To me, this is a cry for attention, not a cry for change. A feeble, pathetic attempt to bring something new to the table. What you want is to feel important, because you’re drawn into this idea that fighting anything resembling authority and normalcy is something you don’t want.

Don’t even get me started on the concept of ‘anarchy’.

You’re a thug. That’s all you are. You’re bringing something Torontonians and all of Canada has always avoided, always tries to prevent, and never experienced: widespread, mass violence. Why? It’s so counter-intuitive. Not only are you misrepresenting the people, but I can’t push the point enough that you’re not changing anything.

You want to fight for less security spending, yet you’re breaking windows.

Smarten up. We’re Canadian. We’re respected.

We’re fucking better than this shit.

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