Friday, August 29, 2014

Beginnings and Endings

2014 has been the most eventful year in my life, personally, professionally, academically, spiritually.

Okay, before we move into hyperbole, there actually has been a lot of things that have introduced me to a different perspective on looking at myself, the world around me, and what I'm passionate about.

This blog, for much of my formative years, taught me how to hone my voice as a writer and explore the things that define me. At the end of the road, I'm still that kid who tried to figure out a way to sound snarky while only having lived 15 years of his life.

And, I'm still that kid who cried when Butterfree left Ash, grabbed hold of his pillow when the Norris-Spider jumped off the autopsy table in The Thing, and the kid who spent a summer never once pausing when playing his first MMORPG.

I'm still me. But 'me' is defined by the changes that happen in my life, and it that definition changes alongside the growth that happens from child to adult.

Growing old isn't growing up. Staying young isn't holding onto the past.

That's something to keep close to your heart. Don't lose sight of who you are and what you stand for. It's the hardest thing in the world. At every corner, everything will convince you that your place in the world is less important than someone else's. Well, to certain people, you are their world. And your world is what you make of it.

It's sappy. It's cliche. It's overplayed. But, more than ever now, I think that's only because it's true.

Truth is a journey. Finding the answers takes a lifetime. So let's follow the breadcrumbs and see where it takes us, yeah?

It's been a good six years. I'll catch you on the flip.

Signing off,

The Fanboy Subconscious.