Thursday, June 17, 2010


What can I say?

If there’s anything to say, it’d be that I’d never live it over again. I enjoyed every second of it, but I would never want to go through it again.

When everything is said and done, taught and learnt, experienced and reminisced upon, what could I possibly say? Four years isn’t a long time. Four years in high school though, is an eternity.

So, I’m leaving. I’m not leaving anything behind, though. If anything, I’m taking as much as I can with me. Not because I’m scared of what I’ll experience next, but because, like it or not, it’s defined me. The people, the experiences, the memories and the conversations. I don’t need to be told who I am, because by the end of high school, I should know enough who I want to be. Hopefully, that’ll continue as I grow older, because staying the same person your whole life prevents you from becoming a better one.

That’s beside the point though. I’ll look back, and smile a bit at what we did or what we saw. I’ll remember that one day or the things we did during class, and I’ll chuckle to myself. It’s like a snow globe, where I can shake up all those memories and let them fall into place in my mind. And I can enjoy them as they were; good times with good people. It’s my job not to forget that, because it wouldn’t be doing my time in high school justice.

It was hell, I’ll agree with that and I’ll never want to go back. But damn, it was a fun ride.

To you, and you know who you are,

Thanks. You made high school what it was. Don’t ever forget it, cause I won’t.

And really, that’s all I can ever say.

Now, the next four years will be interesting, and that’s all I’ll say about that.

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