Monday, August 3, 2009

IT'S A TRAP! (v.2)

Seriously, I forgot what the point of this post was.
How you've stumbled your way into the subconscious workings of a dysfunctional fanboy are a mystery to even me. But, you've found your way here nontheless, and there is no point in making you dilly-dally around aimlessly. There are places not worth venturing in a fanboy's subconcious, let me warn you now.

Who am I? Do not let that cloud your thoughts, it's hardly as important as where you've ventured now. A question worth asking would be, "Why am I here?" Ask, and you shall be answered.

You are here because fate has brought you here; because you have been chosen to be enlightened by the information the subconcious of this fanboy has to offer. Be weary though, information a fanboy possesses is not for the faint-hearted, the knowledge even a lowly fanboy obtains can become catastrophic or perhaps deadly in the wrong heads. Venture safely, for you have entered--

I'm just fuckin' with ya. This is a blog about anything a fanboy can think of. Games, movies, music, social circles, the school's curriculum, recession, global responsiblity and grape drink among these things. If you've endured that little rant by Superego, the little dude that usually fucks with our beloved fanboy's mind, chances are you're willing to stay.

So congratulations! You are now in the subconscious mind of a lonely fanboy. See what he sees. Think what he thinks, read what he writes. It's a blog about anything and everything, so if you're stopping by, enjoy yourself while you look for an exit.

1 comment:

  1. well well.
    what do we have here.
    technically fate didnt bring me here, more rather a series of very uncharacteristic and uncontrollable circumstances, leading me to view this massive use of text and other media considered a blog, which incidentally is pretty damn swell.
    keep it up.
