Sunday, May 1, 2011

CiviliNation– Civil Digital Discourse

Everybody STOP what you’re doing!

Kay, not really. But if you want to learn about a new online movement that actually is really damn relevant to everyone who participates in the internet, look no further.

CiviliNation has a very specific goal; make sure the internet is a place free of abuse or harassment. Take away those bad things, and you have intelligent, thoughtful and educated discussion across the tubes of the interwebs.

For example, if you’re an aspiring internet personality posting on YouTube, fear not of haters if you support CiviliNation, because if it succeeds, the trolls will be bashed out. And all that’s left will be constructive criticism from invested commenters who want you to become a better performer. And better yet, there will be a lot more visible support because, well, there’s no haters to hate on you.

Imagine forums without troll posts or flame wars; it’d be like walking into a utopia of shiny threads lively with happy commenters and stimulating discussion. No grammar Nazis. No trolls. Clean and true.

imageTough task? Yeah. But an organization like CiviliNation might be able to bring about some change that could spark a lot more constructive debate than what we’re so used to seeing spill into the internet. It is for everyone, after all. So why can’t everyone feel welcome?

It’s stopping cyber-bullying, it’s promoting legitimacy of online discussion, and it’s providing users with a hope that one day they can share whatever wonderful idea they’ve been keeping inside because of the fear that some jerk is going to pop in and say ‘lol u gay.’

And that’s just lame.

You can check it out at their website at Please do. Learn about this stuff. It’s nice to feel knowledgeable.

And you know me, I hate haters. So help out. Spread the word. Make the Internet more awesome.


1 comment:

  1. Anthony,

    Your post beautifully describes in your own words what we're hoping to achieve: Intelligent, thoughtful and educated discussions; constructive criticism from invested commenters instead of haters to hate on you; and an environment where people feel free to share whatever wonderful idea they've been keeping inside because of the fear that some jerk is going to pop in and say ‘lol u gay.’

    Thanks your support of CiviliNation - together we can make a positive difference!

    Best regards,

    Andrea Weckerle, MA, JD
