Saturday, September 19, 2009

Left 4 Dead…fanfiction?! (Don’t judge me)

Wrote this a while back on Facebook's Notes application. No, I didn’t tag anyone. But yeah, humour me for a few minutes. Part 1 of 2.


The room is black. Dim naked lights overhead flicker on and off. A cold breeze from a cracked window wafts in bringing the dead scent into the damp air of the shed. Someone coughs.

"Are they out there?" Louis speaks softly, almost a whisper, as not to wake what awaits them outside.

"What do you think?" Francis picks up a molotov and hangs it on his belt. 'Let's get this show on the road.'

"Hold on." Bill raises his hand wearily.

"What is it?" Zoey peers out from the small front window, only to see darkness and the darkness that smothers it.

"I hear it. A Boomer."

Francis joins Zoey at the window. A faint rumbling sound. Sloshing of bile and vomit. A gurgling and grumbling draws nearer.


"Shit, what the hell are we still doing here then? The next safe room's only down the road!" Louis buries his head into his arms, clutching his rifle close to him. "Shit, shit, shit!"

The rumbling gets closer. The lights flicker. The breath of the four is the only sound for a brief moment.

A sudden jolt catches them off-gaurd. They crouch and look upwards. A light bursts.

"What the FUCK was that?" Louis raises his rifle towards the roof of the shed. A growling dominates the air. Soft pounds as whatever is above them stalks and waits. Bill's hand on Louis' shoulder eases his anxiety.

"Hold on, Louis. It's waiting for one of us to peek out."

"No, man. This is fucked. Just shoot it through the—"

"NO! You idiot! You wanna wake up half of them from the treeline?" Zoey points angrily towards the dark window. Faint movement past the other side of the road. A shambling of feet. The growling above them grows. The soft pounds stop. Grumbling in the distance.

"Well, what the hell do we do?!"

"Lure em'. One of us goes out, draws em' in, and three of us waste the assholes and then run."

"I assume you're the bait then, Francis?"

"Ah, these pussies? I can take em'."

The four glare at each other. The grumbling and growling seems to eminate from all sides, filling the air. Louis draws his sleeve and wipes sweat from his head.

"Ready?" Zoey sticks the barrel of the rifle through the small window. Bill grabs the door with cold, dry, trembling hands.

"From what I can tell, Boomer's hiding in the trees. That bastard above us is gonna come fast, hit you hard and knock you off your feet. Stay close to the door. Zoey'll get a shot off, and get the hell up fast before the Boomer knows what we're doing."

Francis gives a stern nod. Bill turns the knob at a painfully slow pace. Zoey keeps her sights at the empty road. Louis watches the roof. No more pounds. Just the haunting of growls and ambience of grumbling in the distance.

The door edges open. Francis rushes out.

"Hey, you motherfucker! Yeah, that's right! Fuckin' sneaky piece of shi--AH FUCK!'

A tongue shoots out of nowhere. Wrapping around. Fast as a snake. Francis starts dragging across the ground. "FUCKING HELP!"

"I'm too old for this shit!" Bill storms outside. "COVER ME!" The bullets start flying.

The horde come out. The grumbling gets louder. The growls grow stronger. The fight begins.


I’m gonna go play some L4D now. Part 2 coming soon.

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