Monday, September 21, 2009

Aurally Audacious Endeavours: Caravan Palace

Originally I had planned to post this yesterday, but seeing as I had a plethora of random stories mixed with emergency, week-old news I thought worth blogging about, this post would have to wait for today.

It’s a shame, since this group should not be waiting to enter the ears of any willing participants. When I say genre-melding goodness, this is exactly what I mean. Electronic swing jazz. This group does it right, and mixes elements from genres that can actually co-exist with each other.

Step aside, screamo-rap, punk-pop, and industrial soul. Caravan Palace shows us how it’s done.

Not only is this video’s direction and creation a marvel in and of itself, the music works perfectly for a couple of reasons. One being that it’s swing jazz, and it naturally makes you want to get up and dance, albeit haphazardly and like a fool. Secondly, because this band is awesome. This kind of music is good for the soul, the step, and the sound we should be hearing over airwaves and in music players.

You can either succeed with a universal declaration of complete awesomeness or fail miserably into the depths of the critical cesspool of horrid banging-pots-with-cats noise when genre-melding. It’s not that fine a line. Clear distinction, and clear differentiation between the good and horrible genre-melders.

Caravan Palace belongs where, you ask?

Buy or download the friggin’ album so I don’t have to spoon-feed you opinions.

This is what music should be.

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