Saturday, October 10, 2009

Resident Evil trilogy is getting a new trilogy.

Wait, does that mean it’s now a sexilogy? Sounds kinky.

I’ll search up on the proper terminology, but right now I’ll settle on a trilogical sequel to a previous trilogy. Sounds good.

Now onto official business. Yes, slowpoke is in order, but I hardly think it matters anymore at the pace I’m going with this stuff. The popular Resident Evil franchise of games and movies has stemmed from Japanese stardom to the echelons of zombie pop culture in the past decade or so, and I’m not complaining. Even with the first Resident Evil movie, which was so long ago that I can’t even remember most of it, the transcription of game to screen struck home with much of the zombie fanbase in North America and overseas. The result?

This guy.

Proceeds go to charity.

Now, with three movies under his wing, Paul Anderson and the Resident Evil team have decided that this is far from beating a dead horse, and that if there was a horse being beat, it’s a zombie horse and ready to be beat some more. That’s my kind of thinking.

This new instalment, titled Resident Evil: Afterlife was originally in talks starting from 2005, and accumulated into the announcements prior and during the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con (slowwwwwpoke). All cast members had been signed, scripts have been drafted, and Paul Anderson is heading this right up until its release date slated for August 27, 2010.

I’ll get to more exciting news. Afterlife is currently being filmed in none other than the wondrous urban utopia of downtown Toronto, where zombies will most likely meet their match in hardened, ruthless Canadian yuppies. So If you’re in the area, or in the GTA, head down there to catch a glimpse of the cool zombie makeup or Milla Jovovich running down the side of city hall. Boy, that looks fun.

This time Anderson won’t be directing, but honestly I don’t see the impact in that. Who really watches zombie flicks for directing? Chumps, that’s who. So take that, snobby film critics. I’ll take my zombies fast or slow, infected or deceased, rabid or shambling. Who gives a crap? People are being eaten, that’s all we’ll ever need.

Anderson also states that he considers Afterlife to be a start of a ‘brand new trilogy’ for the franchise. He also says he’s excited. Zombies are always exciting. Zombiesssss. Yay. =D

You can catch more info on the upcoming film at ShockTillYouDrop or Bloody Disgusting.


I’ve discovered that the proper term is ‘hexalogy’, not sexilogy.

Man, do I feel silly.

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