Thursday, November 3, 2011

iam8bit – The new age of artistic expression

One thing I am, aside from a geek, gamer, and sometime gnome enthusiast, is a student of media production and theory. So I see a video like the one above that I really do hope you watched, especially if you’re into one of the following:

  • gaming culture
  • artistic cultivation
  • cultural relevancy
  • the application of design in multiple media platforms
  • Donkey Kong/Super Mario/Atari/Capcom/Zelda/Pac-Man/Pong
  • new artistic endeavours
  • the electronic entertainment industry
  • entrepreneurial possibilities
  • cool shit

So yeah, I just heard about Iam9Bit today, but what I’ve learned from Machinima’s coverage of the art initiative/independent collective/grassroots start-up is that the limits of artistic expression can be continually pushed into regions that our traditional understanding may not be able to grasp yet.

Throughout history, artistic movements have pushed past scrutiny and criticism to bring upon new ages of creative expression, and therefore affect the entire culture that it draws from and vice-versa. I get good vibes from this collective. Will it achieve such iconic status? Probably not. But I can agree with that they’re pitching in that video; there is no other group doing something like this.

It’s an amalgamation of art and culture, in that it brings two worlds that are incredibly similar on principle, though worlds apart in perception and cultural significance and combining them how they should be seen: awesomsely.

What do they exactly do? Well watch the video if you haven’t already. But if it’s not clear, they make/collect/share art inspired by video game culture. If you check their site, linked here, you can see their most recent stuff includes commissions by top game developers to promote/market their products.

Shit like recreating Newt’s doll from Aliens to celebrate the release of Aliens: Colonial Marines, and also a kick ass NERF-replica pulse rifle, customized and detailed to resemble the movie props. Badass? I think so.


Their earlier stuff includes and underground community event promoting the then-upcoming Street Fighter 4 with what better than a fight club?

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 FIGHT CLUB (LA) from iam8bit Productions on Vimeo.

Their site has tons more in their portfolio and gallery, and just looking at all this awesome stuff blows my mind, as a student and as a appreciator for gaming and art.

These guys combine the two and really transcend preconceptions and assumptions about both. They throw those in the bin and cut off the binds that tie them down. The result is amazing art pieces and attention from major industry players from both the gaming and artistic communities locally and abroad. They are how you do entrepreneurship, and it all starts with the grand idea and the passion required to pull it off.

New role models? Hell yes. Thanks, iam8bit.

Come to Toronto to show us how it’s all done!

They’re based in Los Angeles. Reach if you’re near. You won’t be disappointed.

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