Sunday, September 11, 2011

StoryCorps–The Importance of Listening

I think I may have posted about this a while back, but it deserves readdressing because I’m really a sucker for these kinds of things.

Especially now, on the wake of 9/11, which personally doesn’t emotionally impact me that much at all, but you realize it’s important for a lot of Americans. My opinions aside, there really is no better way to recount or remember all the people who died there than to do it through something like this.

StoryCorps is a non-profit organization devoted to telling stories. Oral history of ordinary people from ordinary lives. Yet, they always seem to be able to capture something greater, and the audiences are always captured by them.

They’re sad, yes, but every story enriches the viewer’s life. I certainly get a better understanding of humility and humanity. It makes you feel good about yourself, and people as a whole.

Now, if these were international, it’d be a great way to raise awareness. StoryCorps in crisis zones in the Middle East, Palestine, parts of Africa, that would really make an impact.

These is the oral history of the ordinary, and yet, there’s always something amazing about discovering people’s lives. We relate, because we want to, because its necessary, because it’s instinctual.

The themes are always the same, and that shows you a lot about why StoryCorps exists, and why it needs to continue to exist to share stories about ordinary people.

We need it. Check them out on Wikipedia. Subscribe on YouTube

Everyone has a story, just takes the right person to listen to it.

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